alwaysEmptyArray Function
a → Array
Always returns a new empty array.
R_.alwaysEmptyArray(); // []
alwaysEmptyObject Function
a → Object
Always returns a new empty object.
R_.alwaysEmptyObject(); // {}
alwaysEmptyString Function
a → String
Always returns empty string.
R_.alwaysEmptyString(); // ''
alwaysNull Function
a → Object
Always returns null.
R_.alwaysNull(); // null
alwaysOne Function
* → Number
Always returns number one.
R_.alwaysOne(); // 1
alwaysZero Function
* → Number
Always returns zero.
R_.alwaysZero(); // 0
applyCompose Function
[(a → b)] → a → b
Applies composition by a list of functions.
R_.applyCompose([multiply(2), add(1)])(3); // 8
applyIfFunction Function
a|(*… → a) → [*] → a
Function or value
Array of arguments
If the first argument is a function then we apply the function with args that are passed as the second argument. If the first argument is not a function then we return it as it is.
const ref = { current: null };
const getRef = always(ref);
const createRef = (current) => ({ current });
R_.applyIfFunction(ref, []); // { current: null }
R_.applyIfFunction(getRef, []); // { current: null }
R_.applyIfFunction(createRef, [document.body]); // {"current": [object HTMLBodyElement]}
applyIfNotNil Function
(*… → a) → [*] → a
The function which will be called with
when defined -
The arguments to call
Call apply on function if the function is defined. Otherwise do nothing and return null.
const nums = [1, 2, 3];
R_.applyIfNotNil(R.sum, nums); // 6
R_.applyIfNotNil(undefined, nums); // null
applyPipe Function
[(a → b)] → a → b
Applies pipe by to a list of functions.
R_.applyPipe([multiply(2), add(1)])(3); // 7
argumentsToList Function
(a, b, c, …) → ([a, b, c, …])
Converts arguments to list.
R.compose(R.sum, R_.argumentsToList)(1, 2, 3); // 6
assocDotPath Object
String → a → b
the dot path to set
The new value
The object to clone
Makes a shallow clone of an object, setting or overriding the nodes required to create the given path, and placing the specific value at the tail end of that path.
R_.assocDotPath("a.b.c", 42, { a: { b: { c: 0 } } }); //=> {a: {b: {c: 42}}}
// Any missing or non-object keys in path will be overridden
R_.assocDotPath("a.b.c", 42, { a: 5 }); //=> {a: {b: {c: 42}}}
between Type
Starting value
Ending value
The value to test
See if an number (val
) is within an array of two numbers ('list').
R_.between(1, 5, 4); //=> true
R_.between(3, 8, 2.1); //=> false
R_.between(100.1, 102, 100.1); //=> true
callIfFunction Function
(a|(*… → a),*…) → a
Function or value
Any number of positional arguments.
If the first argument x
is a function then we return the result of calling x
with the remaining arguments.
If x
is not a function then we return it as it is.
const ref = { current: null };
const getRef = always(ref);
const createRef = (current) => ({ current });
R_.callIfFunction(ref); // { current: null }
R_.callIfFunction(getRef); // { current: null }
R_.callIfFunction(createRef, document.body); // {"current": [object HTMLBodyElement]}
camelizeKeys Object
Object to transform
Recursively camelize all keys within an object or array
"co-obj": { co_string: "foo" },
"co-array": [0, null, { "f-f": "ff" }],
"co-number": 1,
"co-string": "1",
"co-fn": head,
// {
// coArray: [
// 0,
// null,
// {
// fF: 'ff'
// }
// ],
// coFn: [Function],
// coNumber: 1,
// coObj: {
// coString: 'foo'
// },
// coString: '1'
// }
capitalizeAll String
String → String
Any string
For not-nil string returns string where every single word starts with a capital letter.
R_.capitalizeAll("seek and destroy"); // Seek And Destroy
R_.capitalizeAll("Seek And Destroy"); // Seek And Destroy
R_.capitalizeAll(null); // null
R_.capitalizeAll(undefined); // undefined
capitalizeFirst String
String → String
Any string
For not-nil string returns string which starts with capital (upper-case) letter.
R_.capitalizeFirst("metallica"); // Metallica
R_.capitalizeFirst("Metallica"); // Metallica
R_.capitalizeFirst(null); // null
R_.capitalizeFirst(undefined); // undefined
composeC Function
Creates curried compose. The rightmost function determines the arity of curry.
const appendAndRejectNil = R_.composeC(R.rejectNil, R.append);
const appendCAndRejectNil = appendAndRejectNil("c");
appendCAndRejectNil(["a", null]); // ['a', 'c'];
constructRegExp Function
Constructs RegExp.
test(R_.constructRegExp("end$", "gi"), "in the end"); // true
containsAll List
[a] → [a] → Boolean
- List
- List
Resolves to true if all elements in first list are found within the second list
R_.containsAll(["a", "b"], ["a", "b", "c"]); // true
R_.containsAll(["a", "b", "d"], ["a", "b", "c"]); // false
containsAny List
[a] → [a] → Boolean
- List
- List
Returns true
if any of the items from first array are in the second array.
R_.containsAny(["a", "e"], ["a", "b", "c"]); // true
R_.containsAny(["e", "f"], ["a", "b", "c"]); // false
containsNone List
[a] → [a] → Boolean
- List
- List
Returns true
if any of the items from first array is not the second array.
R_.containsNone(["e", "f"], ["a", "b", "c"]); // true
R_.containsNone(["a", "f"], ["a", "b", "c"]); // false
cx String
String | [String] | Object → String
Conditionally joining classNames together.
The cx function takes any number of arguments which can be a string, object even nested arrays of strings and objects.
The argument 'foo' is short for { foo: true }.
If the value associated with a given key is falsy, that key won't be included in the output."Table", ["MagicTable"], { "Table--active": true }); // 'Table MagicTable Table--active'"Table", ["MagicTable"], { "Table--active": false }); // 'Table MagicTable'["Table", ["MagicTable"]]); // 'Table MagicTable'
decapitalizeAll String
String → String
Any string
For not-nil string returns string where every single word starts with a lower-case letter.
R_.decapitalizeAll("Seek And Destroy"); // seek and destroy
R_.decapitalizeAll("seek and destroy"); // seek and destroy
R_.decapitalizeAll(null); // null
R_.decapitalizeAll(undefined); // undefined
decapitalizeFirst String
String → String
Any String
For not-nil string returns string which starts with lower-case letter.
R_.decapitalizeFirst("Metallica"); // metallica
R_.decapitalizeFirst("metallica"); // metallica
R_.decapitalizeFirst(null); // null
R_.decapitalizeFirst(undefined); // undefined
defaultArgs Function
Creates default arguments for given function
R_.defaultArgs(["a", "b"], R.concat)(undefined, "c"); // ac
defaultToEmptyArray Logic
a → a | Array
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise the empty array is returned.
R_.defaultToEmptyArray(null); //=> []
R_.defaultToEmptyArray(undefined); //=> []
R_.defaultToEmptyArray("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToEmptyArray(parseInt("string")); //=> []
defaultToEmptyObject Logic
a → a | Object
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise the empty object is returned.
R_.defaultToEmptyObject(null); //=> {}
R_.defaultToEmptyObject(undefined); //=> {}
R_.defaultToEmptyObject("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToEmptyObject(parseInt("string")); //=> {}
defaultToEmptyString Logic
a → a | String
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise the empty string is returned.
R_.defaultToEmptyString(null); //=> ""
R_.defaultToEmptyString(undefined); //=> ""
R_.defaultToEmptyString("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToEmptyString(parseInt("string")); //=> ""
defaultToFalse Logic
a → a | Boolean
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise the false is returned.
R_.defaultToFalse(null); //=> false
R_.defaultToFalse(undefined); //=> false
R_.defaultToFalse("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToFalse(parseInt("string")); //=> false
defaultToOne Logic
a → a | Number
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise number one is returned.
R_.defaultToOne(null); //=> 1
R_.defaultToOne(undefined); //=> 1
R_.defaultToOne("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToOne(parseInt("string")); //=> 1
defaultToTrue Logic
a → a | Boolean
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise true is returned.
R_.defaultToTrue(null); //=> true
R_.defaultToTrue(undefined); //=> true
R_.defaultToTrue("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToTrue(parseInt("string")); //=> true
defaultToZero Logic
a → a | Number
Returns the argument if it is not null, undefined or NaN; otherwise zero is returned.
R_.defaultToZero(null); //=> 0
R_.defaultToZero(undefined); //=> 0
R_.defaultToZero("Ramda"); //=> 'Ramda'
// parseInt('string') results in NaN
R_.defaultToZero(parseInt("string")); //=> 0
dispatch Function
[a] → b|undefined
List of functions
Values applied to functions from
Returns first not nil result from evaluation of functions in the list.
Returns undefined
const validateName = R_.dispatch([
ifElse(Boolean, R_.noop, always("Name is required.")),
ifElse(R_.isString, R_.noop, always("Name must be valid.")),
validateName(""); // 'Name is required.'
validateName(111); // 'Name must be valid.'
validateName("Valid name"); // undefined
dispatchWith Function
[a] → b|undefined
Predicate that is applied to result of calling fn from
List of functions
Values applied to functions from
Returns first result from evaluation of functions in the list, that satisfies predicate.
Returns undefined
const firstTruthy = R_.dispatchWith(Boolean)([prop("foo"), prop("bar")]);
firstTruthy({ foo: "foo", bar: false }); // "foo"
firstTruthy({ foo: false, bar: "bar" }); // "bar"
dissocDotPath Object
The dot path to the value to omit
The object to clone
Makes a shallow clone of an object, omitting the property at the given dot path. Note that this copies and flattens prototype properties onto the new object as well. All non-primitive properties are copied by reference.
R_.dissocDotPath("a.b.c", { a: { b: { c: 42 } } }); //=> {a: {b: {}}}
dotPath Object
The dot path to use.
The object to retrieve the nested property from.
Retrieve the value at a given dot path.
R_.dotPath("a.b", { a: { b: 2 } }); //=> 2
R_.dotPath("a.b", { c: { b: 2 } }); //=> undefined
dotPathEq Object
a → String → {a} → Boolean
Value for
. -
The dot path to use.
The object to retrieve the nested property from and compare with
Determines whether a dot path on an object has a specific value
in R.equals
R_.dotPathEq(2, "a.b", { a: { b: 2 } }); //=> true
R_.dotPathEq(2, "a.b", { c: { b: 2 } }); //=> false
dotPathNotEq Object
a → String → {a} → Boolean
Value for
. -
The dot path to use.
The object to retrieve the nested property from and compare with
Determines whether a dot path on an object has a specific value
in R_.notEqual
R_.dotPathNotEq(2, "a.b", { a: { b: 2 } }); //=> false
R_.dotPathNotEq(2, "a.b", { c: { b: 2 } }); //=> true
dotPathNotSatisfies Object
(a → Boolean) → String → {a} → Boolean
- predicate
The dot path to use.
- obj
Returns true
if the specified object property at given dot path not satisfies the given predicate; false otherwise.
R_.dotPathNotSatisfies((y) => y > 0, "a.b", { a: { b: 1 } }); // false
R_.dotPathNotSatisfies((y) => y > 0, "a.b", { a: { b: -1 } }); // true
R_.dotPathNotSatisfies((y) => y > 0, "a.b", { a: { c: 1 } }); // true
dotPathOr Object
a → String → {a} → a
Default value if
does not exist. -
The dot path to use.
- obj
If the given, non-null object has a value at the given dot path, returns the value at that path. Otherwise returns the provided default value.
R_.dotPathOr("N/A", "a.b", { a: { b: 1 } }); // 1
R_.dotPathOr("N/A", "a.b", { a: { c: 1 } }); // "N/A"
dotPathSatisfies Object
(a → Boolean) → String → {a} → Boolean
- predicate
The dot path to use.
- obj
Returns true
if the specified object property at given dot path satisfies the given predicate; false otherwise.
R_.dotPathSatisfies((y) => y > 0, "a.b", { a: { b: 1 } }); // true
R_.dotPathSatisfies((y) => y > 0, "a.b", { a: { b: -1 } }); // false
R_.dotPathSatisfies((y) => y > 0, "a.b", { a: { c: 1 } }); // false
duplicate List
a → [a]
Creates pair. Every item of pair equals to input parameter.
R_.duplicate(1); // [1, 1]
endsWithSuffix String
a → b → Boolean
- suffix
- x
Testing string if ends with some suffix.
R_.endsWithSuffix("o", "hello"); // true
R_.endsWithSuffix("ello", "hello"); // true
R_.endsWithSuffix("y", "good bye"); // false
endsWithSuffixIgnoreCase String
a → b → Boolean
- suffix
- x
Testing string if ends with some suffix ignoring case.
R_.endsWithSuffixIgnoreCase("o", "HELLO"); // true
R_.endsWithSuffixIgnoreCase("ELLO", "hello"); // true
R_.endsWithSuffixIgnoreCase("hello", "hello"); // true
R_.endsWithSuffixIgnoreCase("o", "good bye"); // false
ensureArray List
a → Array
Wraps input in an Array if it's not an Array already.
R_.ensureArray("A string yo."); // ["A string yo."]
R_.ensureArray(["an array item yo"]); // ["an array item yo"]
R_.ensureArray([{ consoleLog: "yo" }]); // [{ consoleLog: "yo" }]
equalsEmptyString String
a → Boolean
Alias for equalsToEmptyString
R_.equalsEmptyString(""); // true
R_.equalsEmptyString("hi"); // false
equalsLength List
Number → [a] → Boolean
Returns true if length of array equals first argument
const lengthEqualsOne = R_.equalsLength(1);
lengthEqualsOne([{}]); // true
lengthEqualsOne([]); // false
equalsStringIgnoreCase String
a → b → Boolean
- x
- y
Testing string if equals ignoring case.
R_.equalsStringIgnoreCase("hello", "HELLO"); // true
R_.equalsStringIgnoreCase("HELLO", "hello"); // true
R_.equalsStringIgnoreCase("hello", "hello"); // true
R_.equalsStringIgnoreCase("hello", "good bye"); // false
equalsToEmptyArray Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Testing if argument equals to empty array.
R_.equalsToEmptyArray([]); // true
R_.equalsToEmptyArray([""]); // false
equalsToEmptyObject Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Testing if argument equals to empty object.
R_.equalsToEmptyObject({}); // true
R_.equalsToEmptyObject(""); // false
equalsToEmptyString Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Testing if argument equals to ''
R_.equalsToEmptyString(""); // true
R_.equalsToEmptyString("hi"); // false
equalsToFalse Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Testing if argument equals to false
R_.equalsToFalse(false); // true
R_.equalsToFalse(null); // false
equalsToNull Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Testing if argument equals to null
R_.equalsToNull(null); // true
R_.equalsToNull(undefined); // false
equalsToOne Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if argument equals to 1.
R_.equalsToOne(3); // false
R_.equalsToOne(1); // true
R_.equalsToOne(-3); // false
equalsToTrue Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Testing if argument equals to true
R_.equalsToTrue(true); // true
R_.equalsToTrue(false); // false
equalsToZero Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if argument equals to 0.
R_.equalsToZero(3); // false
R_.equalsToZero(0); // true
R_.equalsToZero(-3); // false
equalsZero Relation
a → Boolean
Alias for equalsToZero
R_.equalsZero(3); // false
R_.equalsZero(0); // true
R_.equalsZero(-3); // false
findNotNil List
[a] → a
Returns first not nil value
R_.findNotNil([null, undefined, 0, true]); // 0
flattenArgs List
(a, [b, c]…) → [a, b, c]
Applies flatten on array of arguments
R_.flattenArgs("e", "f", "a"); // ['e', 'f', 'a']
R_.flattenArgs("e", ["f", "a"]); // ['e', 'f', 'a']
R_.flattenArgs("e", ["f", ["a"]]); // ['e', 'f', 'a']
flattenValues List
{k: v} → [v]
- value
Recursively flatten values from object and array.
{ foo: "bar" },
foo: {
bar: ["baz", { foofoo: "hi" }],
["bar", "hi"],
["barbar", { hrun: "hi" }],
]); // ['hi','bar','baz','hi','hi','hi']
flipIncludes List
[a] → b → Boolean
- list
- item
Returns true
if list
includes item
R_.flipIncludes(["e", "f"], "e"); // true
R_.flipIncludes(["e", "f"], "a"); // false
get Object
a → [a] → a
- x
- path
Returns part of the object based on path.
R_.get({ foo: "bar" }, ["foo"]); // "bar"
groupByPath Object
[String] → [a] → {String → [a]}
Groups values in the list by the property found by provided path.
R_.groupByPath(["id"])([{ id: 1 }, { id: 3 }, { id: 1, name: "c" }]);
// ->
// {
// "1": [
// {
// id: 1
// },
// {
// id: 1,
// name: "c"
// }
// ],
// "3": [
// {
// id: 3
// }
// ]
// }
groupByProp Object
String → [a] → {String → [a]}
Groups values in the list by the property found by provided key.
R_.groupByProp("id")([{ id: 1 }, { id: 3 }, { id: 1, name: "c" }]);
// ->
// {
// "1": [
// {
// id: 1
// },
// {
// id: 1,
// name: "c"
// }
// ],
// "3": [
// {
// id: 3
// }
// ]
// }
gteThanLength List
Number → [a] → Boolean
Returns true if length of array is smaller or equals than first argument
const lengthSmallerThanEqualsOne = R_.gteThanLength(1);
lengthSmallerThanEqualsTwo([{}, {}]); // false
lengthSmallerThanEqualsTwo([{}]); // true
lengthSmallerThanEqualsTwo([]); // true
gtThanLength List
Number → [a] → Boolean
Returns true if length of array is smaller than first argument
const lengthSmallerThanTwo = R_.gtThanLength(2);
lengthSmallerThanTwo([{}]); // true
lengthSmallerThanTwo([{}, {}]); // false
headArg Function
Takes first argument from the arguments
R_.headArg("a", "b", "c"); // a
includes List
[a] → b → Boolean
- list
- item
Returns true
if if list
includes item
Deprecated due to breaking change in Ramda. Use R_.flipIncludes
R_.includes(["e", "f"], "e"); // true
R_.includes(["a", "f"], "a"); // false
isArray Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is type of Array.
R_.isArray([]); // true
R_.isArray(""); // false
isBoolean Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is type of Boolean.
R_.isBoolean(true); // true
R_.isBoolean(false); // true
R_.isBoolean(1); // false
R_.isBoolean(""); // false
R_.isBoolean("true"); // false
R_.isBoolean({}); // false
R_.isBoolean([]); // false
R_.isBoolean(NaN); // false
R_.isBoolean(null); // false
R_.isBoolean(undefined); // false
isError Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if the argument is an instance of Error.
R_.isError(new Error()); // true
R_.isError(null); // false
isFalsy Logic
a → Boolean
- input
Returns true
for falsy values. Complement of R_.falsy
R_.isFalsy(true); // false
R_.isFalsy({}); // false
R_.isFalsy([]); // false
R_.isFalsy(1); // false
R_.isFalsy("hello"); // false
R_.isFalsy(false); // true
R_.isFalsy(0); // true
R_.isFalsy(""); // true
isFunction Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is type of Function.
R_.isFunction(() => {}); // true
R_.isFunction({}); // false
R_.isFunction([]); // false
R_.isFunction(""); // false
R_.isFunction(0); // false
isNegative Math
Number → Boolean
Returns true if argument is lower than 0.
R_.isNegative(3); // false
R_.isNegative(0); // false
R_.isNegative(-3); // true
isNilOrEmpty Logic
a → Boolean
- input
Returns true if input is empty or nil.
R_.isNilOrEmpty(null); // true
R_.isNilOrEmpty({}); // true
R_.isNilOrEmpty(false); // false
R_.isNilOrEmpty(0); // false
isNilOrEmptyString Logic
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is null, undefined or ''.
R_.isNilOrEmptyString(null); // true
R_.isNilOrEmptyString(undefined); // true
R_.isNilOrEmptyString(""); // true
R_.isNilOrEmptyString(false); // false
R_.isNilOrEmptyString(0); // false
R_.isNilOrEmptyString([]); // false
R_.isNilOrEmptyString({}); // false
isNotEmpty Logic
a → Boolean
Returns true if the given value is not its type's empty value
R_.isNotEmpty([1, 2, 3]); // true
R_.isNotEmpty([]); // false
R_.isNotEmpty(""); // false
R_.isNotEmpty(null); // true
R_.isNotEmpty({}); // false
R_.isNotEmpty({ length: 0 }); // true
isNotNaN Logic
a → Boolean
Return negation of native isNaN function.
R_.isNotNaN(0); // true
R_.isNotNaN(""); // true
R_.isNotNaN([]); // true
R_.isNotNaN(null); // true
R_.isNotNaN({}); // false
R_.isNotNaN(NaN); // false
R_.isNotNaN(undefined); // false
isNotNil Logic
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is neither null or undefined.
R_.isNotNil(null); // false
R_.isNotNil(undefined); // false
R_.isNotNil(""); // true
R_.isNotNil(false); // true
R_.isNotNil(0); // true
R_.isNotNil([]); // true
R_.isNotNil({}); // true
isNotNilObject Logic
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is not nil object.
R_.isNotNilObject({}); // true
R_.isNotNilObject([]); // true
R_.isNotNilObject(() => {}); // true
R_.isNotNilObject(null); // false
R_.isNotNilObject(); // false
R_.isNotNilObject(1); // false
R_.isNotNilObject(""); // false
isNotNumeric Logic
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is not finite numeric value.
R_.isNotNumeric(-1); // false
R_.isNotNumeric(0); // false
R_.isNotNumeric(1); // false
R_.isNotNumeric(1.1); // false
R_.isNotNumeric(Infinity); // true
R_.isNotNumeric(NaN); // true
R_.isNotNumeric(""); // true
R_.isNotNumeric(() => {}); // true
R_.isNotNumeric(false); // true
R_.isNotNumeric(null); // true
R_.isNotNumeric(undefined); // true
R_.isNotNumeric({}); // true
R_.isNotNumeric([]); // true
isNotRegExp Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is not RegExp.
R_.isNotRegExp(/foo/); // false
R_.isNotRegExp(0); // true
isNumber Type
a → Boolean
Value to test
Returns true if value is type of Number.
R_.isNumber(NaN); // true
R_.isNumber(Infinite); // true
R_.isNumber(1); // true
R_.isNumber(false); // false
R_.isNumber({}); // false
R_.isNumber("1"); // false
isNumeric Logic
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is finite numeric value.
R_.isNumeric(-1); // true
R_.isNumeric(0); // true
R_.isNumeric(1); // true
R_.isNumeric(1.1); // true
R_.isNumeric(Infinity); // false
R_.isNumeric(NaN); // false
R_.isNumeric(""); // false
R_.isNumeric(() => {}); // false
R_.isNumeric(false); // false
R_.isNumeric(null); // false
R_.isNumeric(undefined); // false
R_.isNumeric({}); // false
R_.isNumeric([]); // false
isObject Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is type of Object.
R_.isObject({}); // true
R_.isObject([]); // true
R_.isObject(""); // false
isPlainObject Type
a → Boolean
value to test
Returns true if the argument is a plain object.
R_.isPlainObject({}); // true
R_.isPlainObject([]); // false
R_.isPlainObject(null); // false
isPositive Math
Number → Boolean
Returns true if argument is greater than 0.
R_.isPositive(3); // true
R_.isPositive(0); // false
R_.isPositive(-3); // false
isPromise Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is Promise.
R_.isPromise(Promise.resolve()); // true
R_.isPromise(0); // false
isRegExp Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is RegExp.
R_.isRegExp(/foo/); // true
R_.isRegExp(0); // false
isString Type
a → Boolean
Returns true if argument is type of String.
R_.isString({}); // false
R_.isString([]); // false
R_.isString(""); // true
isTruthy Logic
a → Boolean
- input
Alias for Boolean constructor. Returns 'true' for truthy values.
R_.isTruthy(true); // true
R_.isTruthy({}); // true
R_.isTruthy([]); // true
R_.isTruthy(1); // true
R_.isTruthy("hello"); // true
R_.isTruthy(false); // false
R_.isTruthy(0); // false
R_.isTruthy(""); // false
joinWithDash String
[String] → String
Joins array of string with dash (hyphen) determiner.
R_.joinWithDash(["a", "b", "c"]); // 'a-b-c'
joinWithDot String
[String] → String
Joins array of string with dot determiner.
R_.joinWithDot(["a", "b", "c"]); // 'a.b.c'
joinWithSpace String
[String] → String
Joins array of string with space determiner.
R_.joinWithSpace(["a", "b", "c"]); // 'a b c'
joinWithUnderscore String
[String] → String
Joins array of string with underscore determiner.
R_.joinWithUnderscore(["a", "b", "c"]); // 'a_b_c'
keyMirror Object
Object → Object
where should be keys copied as values.
Copies keys of object to appropriate values.
const actionTypes = R_.keyMirror({
const action = { type: actionTypes.ITEM_REQUEST };
action.type === actionTypes.ITEM_REQUEST; // true
lastArg Function
Takes last argument from the arguments
R_.lastArg("a", "b", "c"); // c
listToString List
[String] → String
Converts list of strings to string.
R_.listToString(["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]); // 'hello'
log Debugging
a → a
Function with side-effect. Logs input to console and returns that input. Should be used only in development.
R_.log("hello"); // logs 'hello'
compose(R_.log, R.sum)([1, 3]); // logs 4
lteThanLength List
Number → [a] → Boolean
Returns true if length of array is bigger or equals than first argument
const lengthBiggerThanEqualsOne = R_.lteThanLength(1);
lengthBiggerThanEqualsOne([{}, {}]); // true
lengthBiggerThanEqualsOne([{}]); // true
lengthBiggerThanEqualsOne([]); // false
ltThanLength List
Number → [a] → Boolean
Returns true if length of array is bigger than first argument
const lengthBiggerThanZero = R_.ltThanLength(0);
lengthBiggerThanZero([{}]); // true
lengthBiggerThanZero([]); // false
mapIndexed Object
(a → Number → a) → [a] → a
The function to be called on every element of the
and its index. -
The list to be iterated over.
Map using function that is provided with each value of the list and its index in the list.
R_.mapIndexed((value, index) => `${value}-${index}`)([1, 2, 3]);
// ['1-0', '2-1', '3-2']
mapKeys Object
The function to be called on every key of the input object.
The object to be iterated over.
Use map function over the keys of the given object
R_.mapKeys(R_.toUpperFirst, { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }); //=> {X: 2, Y: 4, Z: 6}
mapKeysAndValues Object
([a] → [b]) → Object → Object
Always returns null.
R_.mapKeysAndValues(([a, b]) => [b, a], { foo: "bar", baz: "boo" });
// { bar: "foo", boo: "baz" }
mapKeysWithValue Object
((String, a) → b) → Object → Object
Map object keys. Mapping functions have both key and value as arguments.
R_.mapKeysWithValue((key, value) => value)({ foo: "bar" }); // { bar: "bar" }
mapOver List
Lens s a → (* → *) → [object] → [object]
- lens
The function to be called on every specified property element of the
. -
The list to be iterated over.
Maps over a specific property on a list of objects, it returns a new list of objects
const objs = [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }, { value: 3 }];
const valueLens = R.lensProp("value");
R_.mapOver(valueLens, R.add(100), objs); // [{ value: 101 }, { value: 102 }, { value: 103 }]
mapOverPath List
string[] → (* → *) → [object] → [object]
The path to be modified.
The function to be called on every specified path element of the
. -
The list to be iterated over.
Maps over a specific path on a list of objects, it returns a new list of objects
const objs = [{ value: { id: 1 } }, { value: { id: 2 } }];
const valueLens = R.lensProp("value");
R_.mapOverPath(["value", "id"], R.add(100), objs); // [{ value: { id: 101 } }, { value: { id: 102 } }]
mapOverProp List
string → (* → *) → [object] → [object]
The prop to be modified.
The function to be called on every specified property element of the
. -
The list to be iterated over.
Maps over a specific prop on a list of objects, it returns a new list of objects
const objs = [{ value: 1 }, { value: 2 }];
const valueLens = R.lensProp("value");
R_.mapOverProp("value", R.add(100), objs); // [{ value: 101 }, { value: 102 }]
memoizeWithIdentity Function
Creates a new function that, when invoked, caches the result of calling fn
for a given argument and returns the result. Subsequent calls to the
memoized fn
with the same argument will not result in an additional
call to fn
; instead, the cached result for that argument will be returned
let count = 0;
const factorial = R_.memoizeWithIdentity((n) => {
count += 1;
return R.product(R.range(1, n + 1));
factorial(5); // 120
factorial(5); // 120
factorial(5); // 120
count; // 1
mergeDeepAllWith Object
((a, a) → a) → [{a}] → {a}
Function that resolves merging between two same keys
Array of objects to be merged with
Creates a new object with the own properties of the list of provided objects. List of objects is reduced from first object to the last. If a key exists in both compared objects:
- and both associated values are also objects then the values will be recursively merged.
- otherwise the provided function is applied to associated values using the resulting value as the new value associated with the key. If a key only exists in one object, the value will be associated with the key of the resulting object.
R_.mergeDeepAllWith(R.concat, [
{ a: { b: [1] } },
{ a: { b: [2] } },
{ a: { b: [3] } },
// { a: { b: [1, 2, 3] } }
mergeDeepAllWithKey Object
((String, a, a) → a) → [{a}] → {a}
Function that resolves merging between two same keys
Array of objects to be merged with
Creates a new object with the own properties of the list of provided objects. List of objects is reduced from first object to the last. If a key exists in both compared objects:
- and both associated values are also objects then the values will be recursively merged.
- otherwise the provided function is applied to the key and associated values using the resulting value as the new value associated with the key. If a key only exists in one object, the value will be associated with the key of the resulting object.
R_.mergeDeepAllWith((key, l, r) => (key === "b" ? R.concat(l, r) : r), [
{ a: { b: [1], c: [1] } },
{ a: { b: [2], c: [2] } },
{ a: { b: [3], c: [3] } },
// { a: { b: [1, 2, 3], c: [3] } }
mergeDeepLeftAll Object
[{a}] → {a}
Array of objects
Returns deeply merged object by merging all objects in a passed list. Merging is applied from the left. See mergeDeepLeft from Ramda.
const a = { fooA: { bar: "a" }, shared: { baz: 1 } };
const b = { fooB: { bar: "b" }, shared: { baz: 2 } };
const c = { fooC: { bar: "c" }, shared: { baz: 3 } };
R_.mergeDeepLeftAll([a, b, c]);
// {
// fooA: { bar: 'a' },
// fooB: { bar: 'b' },
// fooC: { bar: 'c' },
// shared: { baz: 1 },
// }
mergeDeepRightAll Object
[{a}] → {a}
Array of objects
Returns deeply merged object by merging all objects in a passed list. Merging is applied from the right. See mergeDeepRight from Ramda.
const a = { fooA: { bar: "a" }, shared: { baz: 1 } };
const b = { fooB: { bar: "b" }, shared: { baz: 2 } };
const c = { fooC: { bar: "c" }, shared: { baz: 3 } };
R_.mergeDeepRightAll([a, b, c]);
// {
// fooA: { bar: 'a' },
// fooB: { bar: 'b' },
// fooC: { bar: 'c' },
// shared: { baz: 3 },
// }
mergeWithDotPath Object
The dot path to the value
The merging function
Value to merge
The object to clone
Merge data in object using custom merge fn.
R_.mergeWithDotPath("a.b", R.mergeRight, { d: 30 }, { a: { b: { c: 20 } } }); //=> {a: {b: { c: 20, d: 30 }}}
noop Function
a → Object
Alias for alwaysNull
R_.noop(); // null
notEmpty Logic
a → Boolean
Alias for isNotEmpty
R_.notEmpty([1, 2, 3]); // true
R_.notEmpty([]); // false
R_.notEmpty(""); // false
R_.notEmpty(null); // true
R_.notEmpty({}); // false
R_.notEmpty({ length: 0 }); // true
notEqual Logic
a → b → Boolean
Returns true if the arguments are not equal
R_.notEqual(1, 2); // true
R_.notEqual(1, 1); // false
notEqualToEmptyArray Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to empty array.
R_.notEqualToEmptyArray([]); // false
R_.notEqualToEmptyArray([{ ramda: true }]); // true
notEqualToEmptyObject Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to empty object.
R_.notEqualToEmptyObject({}); // false
R_.notEqualToEmptyObject({ ramda: true }); // true
notEqualToEmptyString Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to empty string.
R_.notEqualToEmptyString(""); // false
R_.notEqualToEmptyString("Ramda"); // true
notEqualToFalse Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to false.
R_.notEqualToFalse(false); // false
R_.notEqualToFalse(true); // true
notEqualToNull Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to null.
R_.notEqualToNull(null); // false
R_.notEqualToNull(false); // true
notEqualToOne Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to number one.
R_.notEqualToOne(1); // false
R_.notEqualToOne(0); // true
notEqualToTrue Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to true.
R_.notEqualToTrue(true); // false
R_.notEqualToTrue(false); // true
notEqualToZero Relation
a → Boolean
- value
Returns true if value is not equal to zero.
R_.notEqualToZero(0); // false
R_.notEqualToZero(1); // true
notFlipInclude List
[a] → b → Boolean
- list
- item
Returns false
if any of the items from list
includes item
R_.notFlipInclude(["e", "f"], "e"); // false
R_.notFlipInclude(["e", "f"], "a"); // true
notInclude List
[a] → b → Boolean
- list
- item
Returns false
if any of the items from list
flipIncludes item
Deprecated due to breaking change in Ramda. Use R_.notFlipInclude
R_.notInclude(["e", "f"], "e"); // false
R_.notInclude(["a", "f"], "a"); // true
notNaN Logic
a → Boolean
Alias for isNotNaN
R_.notNaN(0); // true
R_.notNaN(""); // true
R_.notNaN([]); // true
R_.notNaN(null); // true
R_.notNaN({}); // false
R_.notNaN(NaN); // false
R_.notNaN(undefined); // false
notNil Logic
a → Boolean
Alias for isNotNil
R_.notNil(null); // false
R_.notNil(undefined); // false
R_.notNil(""); // true
R_.notNil(false); // true
R_.notNil(0); // true
R_.notNil([]); // true
R_.notNil({}); // true
notNumeric Logic
a → Boolean
Alias for isNotNumeric
R_.notNumeric(-1); // false
R_.notNumeric(0); // false
R_.notNumeric(1); // false
R_.notNumeric(1.1); // false
R_.notNumeric(Infinity); // true
R_.notNumeric(NaN); // true
R_.notNumeric(""); // true
R_.notNumeric(() => {}); // true
R_.notNumeric(false); // true
R_.notNumeric(null); // true
R_.notNumeric(undefined); // true
R_.notNumeric({}); // true
R_.notNumeric([]); // true
objOfOver Object
Transformation function
- input
Firstly applies transformation on input data structure according to provided "lens".
Returning value is made by the "setting" the portion
of the result focused by the given lens
R_.objOfOver(R.lensPath(["a", "b"]), (x) => "Hello " + x, {
a: { b: "foo" },
c: "bar",
// { a: { b: "Hello foo" } }
overHead List
- v
- x
Returns an over lens to the first index of list.
R_.overHead(R.toUpper, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]); //=> ['FOO', 'bar', 'baz']
padLeft String
Number → a → a
Length of the output string, padString
and initial value.
is repeatedly concated to init
until the length of the string is equal to lengthString
R_.padLeft(10, "0")("1"); // '00000000001'
R_.padLeft(-9, "0")("1"); // '1'
R_.padLeft(1, "0")("1"); // '1'
padLeftUntil String
(a → Boolean) → a → a
Takes a predicate, string padString
and initial value. padString
is contacted to the output string
everytime pred
returns falsy value.
R_.padLeftUntil((x) => x.length === 10, "0")("1"); // '0000000001'
padRight String
Number → a → a
Length of the output string, padString
and initial value.
is repeatedly appended to the init
until the length of the string is equal to lengthString
R_.padRight(10, "0")("1"); // '10000000000'
R_.padRight(-9, "0")("1"); // '1'
R_.padRight(1, "0")("1"); // '1'
padRightUntil String
(a → Boolean) → a → a
Takes a predicate, string padString
and initial value. padString
is append to the output string
everytime pred
returns falsy value.
R_.padRightUntil((x) => x.length === 10, "0")("1"); // '1000000000'
pathNotEq Relation
[String | Int] → a → {a} → Boolean
Returns true if nested path of object literal does not contains given value.
R_.pathNotEq(1, ["a", "b"], { a: { b: 1 } }); // false
R_.pathNotEq(1, ["a", "b"], { a: { b: 2 } }); // true
R_.pathNotEq(1, ["a", "b"], {}); // true
R_.pathNotEq(1, ["a", "b"], { a: {} }); // true
pathNotSatisfies Object
(a → Boolean) → String → {a} → Boolean
- predicate
The path to use.
- obj
Returns true
if the specified object property at given path not satisfies the given predicate; false otherwise.
const positive = (x) => x > 0;
R_.pathNotSatisfies(positive, ["a", "b"], {}); // true
R_.pathNotSatisfies(positive, ["a", "b"], { a: { b: -1 } }); // true
R_.pathNotSatisfies(positive, ["a", "b"], { a: { b: 3 } }); // false
pipeC Function
Creates curried pipe. The leftmost function determines the arity of curry.
const appendAndRejectNil = R_.pipeC(R.append, R.rejectNil);
const appendCAndRejectNil = appendAndRejectNil("c");
appendCAndRejectNil(["a", null]); // ['a', 'c'];
propNotEq Relation
a → String → Object → Boolean
Returns true if property of object literal does not equals the given value.
R_.propNotEq(1, "a", { a: 1 }); // false
R_.propNotEq(1, "a", { a: 2 }); // true
R_.propNotEq(1, "a", {}); // true
propNotSatisfies Object
(a → Boolean) → String → {a} → Boolean
- predicate
The prop to use.
- obj
Returns true
if the specified object property at given prop not satisfies the given predicate; false otherwise.
const positive = (x) => x > 0;
R_.propNotSatisfies(positive, "a", {}); // true
R_.propNotSatisfies(positive, "a", { a: -1 }); // true
R_.propNotSatisfies(positive, "a", { a: 3 }); // false
reduceCallable Function
(a → … → b) → [a, …, b] → c
Call function passed as first argument with arguments determined by second parameter in order.
const f = (a) => (b) => a + b;
R_.reduceCallable(f, [1, 2]); // 3
reduceSource List
((a, b, a, [b]) → a) → a → [b] → a
The iterator function. Receives four arguments, the accumulator, the current element, the source accumulator and the source list.
The initial accumulator value and value passed as the source accumulator value in the iterator function.
The list to iterator over and value passed as the source list in the iterator function.
Extends the reduce functionality by adding the original accumulator value as a third argument and the original list as a fourth argument to the iterator function.
R_.reduceSource((acc, v, sAcc) => v + acc + sAcc, 1, [1, 2, 3]); // 10
R_.reduceSource(R.pipe(R.unapply(R.flatten), R.sum), 0, [1, 2]); // 9
rejectEq List
a → [b] → [c]
Filters out every value in a list that equals to first argument.
R_.rejectEq("foo", ["foo", "bar", "foo", "bar"]); // ['bar', 'bar']
rejectNil List
[a] → [a]
Filters out every nil value in a list.
R_.rejectNil([null, undefined, ""]); // ['']
replicate List
Number → a → [a]
Creates list of length n
. Every item in list equals to input
R_.replicate(1, 6); // [6]
R_.replicate(2, 6); // [6, 6]
R_.replicate(3, 6); // [6, 6, 6]
searchInArray Array
- searchFn
- value
Perform fulltext search with given search function.
R_.searchInArrayWith(R.contains("hi"), [
{ foo: "bar" },
{ foo: "hi" },
foo: {
bar: ["cuuus", { foo: "hi" }],
["haha", "hi"],
["haha", { foo: "hi" }],
// [
// 'hi',
// { foo: 'hi' },
// {
// foo: {
// bar: ['cuuus', { foo: 'hi' }],
// },
// },
// ['haha', 'hi'],
// ['haha', { foo: 'hi' }],
// ]
searchInArrayWith Array
- searchFn
- value
Perform fulltext search with given search function.
R_.searchInArrayWith(R.contains("hi"), [
{ foo: "bar" },
{ foo: "hi" },
foo: {
bar: ["cuuus", { foo: "hi" }],
["haha", "hi"],
["haha", { foo: "hi" }],
// [
// 'hi',
// { foo: 'hi' },
// {
// foo: {
// bar: ['cuuus', { foo: 'hi' }],
// },
// },
// ['haha', 'hi'],
// ['haha', { foo: 'hi' }],
// ]
splitByDot String
String → [String]
Splits string by dot into list.
R_.splitByDot("a.b.c"); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
splitByNonAlphaNumeric String
String → [String]
Splits string into list. Delimiter is every sequence of non-alphanumerical values.
R_.splitByNonAlphaNumeric("Hello world/1"); // ['Hello', 'world', '1']
startsWithPrefix String
a → b → Boolean
- prefix
- x
Testing string if starts with some prefix.
R_.startsWithPrefix("h", "hello"); // true
R_.startsWithPrefix("hell", "hello"); // true
R_.startsWithPrefix("h", "good bye"); // false
startsWithPrefixIgnoreCase String
a → b → Boolean
- prefix
- x
Testing string if starts with some prefix ignoring case.
R_.startsWithPrefixIgnoreCase("h", "HELLO"); // true
R_.startsWithPrefixIgnoreCase("HELL", "hello"); // true
R_.startsWithPrefixIgnoreCase("hello", "hello"); // true
R_.startsWithPrefixIgnoreCase("h", "good bye"); // false
toCamelCase String
String → String
Converts string into camelCase.
R_.toCamelCase("hello-world"); // 'helloWorld'
R_.toCamelCase("hello- world"); // 'helloWorld'
R_.toCamelCase(" hello-/ world/ "); // 'helloWorld'
toDotCase String
String → String
Converts string into
R_.toDotCase("hello-world"); // ''
R_.toDotCase("hello/*? world"); // ''
R_.toDotCase(" hello -/ world/ "); // ''
toEntries Object
{String: a, …} → [{String: a}]
- object
Creates array of entries from object.
R_.toEntries({ a: "b", c: "d" }); // [{ a: "b" }, { c: "d" }]
toggle Function
must be array of two items
- val
Returns the opposite value comparing against a given set of two values.
R_.toggle("on", "off")("on"); // 'off'
R_.toggle("active", "inactive")("inactive"); // 'active'
R_.toggle(10, 100)(10); // 100
R_.toggle("on", "off")("other"); // 'other'
toKebabCase String
String → String
Converts string into kebab-case.
R_.toKebabCase("hello-world"); // 'hello-world'
R_.toKebabCase("hello- world"); // 'hello-world'
R_.toKebabCase(" hello-/ world/ "); // 'hello-world'
toLowerFirst String
String → String
Decapitalize first letter.
R_.toLowerFirst("HELLO WORLD"); // 'hELLO WORLD'
toPascalCase String
String → String
Converts string into PascalCase.
R_.toPascalCase("hello-world"); // 'HelloWorld'
R_.toPascalCase("hello- world"); // 'HelloWorld'
R_.toPascalCase(" hello-/ world/ "); // 'HelloWorld'
toScreamingSnakeCase String
String → String
Converts string into SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
R_.toScreamingSnakeCase("hello-world"); // 'HELLO_WORLD'
R_.toScreamingSnakeCase("hello- world"); // 'HELLO_WORLD'
R_.toScreamingSnakeCase(" hello-/ world/ "); // 'HELLO_WORLD'
toSnakeCase String
String → String
Converts string into snake_case.
R_.toSnakeCase("hello-world"); // 'hello_world'
R_.toSnakeCase("hello- world"); // 'hello_world'
R_.toSnakeCase(" hello-/ world/ "); // 'hello_world'
toUpperFirst String
String → String
Capitalize first letter.
R_.toUpperFirst(""); // ''
R_.toUpperFirst("hello world"); // 'Hello world'
trace Debugging
a → b → b
Function with side-effect. Logs input to console and returns that input. Similar to "log" but allows to label logged value. Should be used only in development.
compose(calculation2, R_.trace("Page A"), calculation1); // logs "Page A" and result of calculation1
unfoldObjectDots Object
Object → Object
Unfolds input object by dot delimetered path inside its keys.
R_.unfoldObjectDots({ "a.b.c": 1, "d.e.f": 2, g: 3 });
// {a: {b: {c: 1}}, d: {e: {f: 2}}, g: 3}
uniqAppend List
a → [a] → [a]
Returns a new list containing the unique contents of the given list, followed by the given element.
R_.uniqAppend("a", ["a", "b"]); // ["a", "b"]
R_.uniqAppend("d", ["a", "b"]); // ["a", "b", "d"]
uniqDrop List
Number → [a] → [a]
- n
Returns all unique but the first n elements of the given list, or transducer/transformer (or object with a drop method).
R_.uniqDrop(2, ["foo", "foo", "foo"]); // ["foo"]
uniqDropLast List
Number → [a] → [a]
- n
Returns all unique but the last n elements of the given list, or transducer/transformer (or object with a drop method).
R_.uniqDropLast(2, ["bar", "foo", "foo"]); // ["foo"]
uniqDropLastWhile List
(a → Boolean) → [a] → [a]
The function called per iteration.
The collection to iterate over.
Returns a new unique list excluding the last elements of a given list which satisfy the supplied predicate function. It passes each value to the supplied predicate function, skipping elements while the predicate function returns true.
R_.uniqDropLastWhile((x) => x !== 4, [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
uniqDropWhile List
(a → Boolean) → [a] → [a]
The function called per iteration.
The collection to iterate over.
Returns a new unique list excluding the leading elements of a given list which satisfy the supplied predicate function. It passes each value to the supplied predicate function, skipping elements while the predicate function returns true.
R_.uniqDropWhile((x) => x !== 4, [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]); //=> [4, 3, 2, 1]
uniqFilter List
(a → Boolean) → [a] → [a]
filtering function
Returns unique values that were previously filtered by filtering
R_.uniqFilter(R_.equalsLength(5), ["hello", "hello", "world"]); // ["hello", "world"]
uniqLength List
[a] → Number
Returns number of unique values in an input array
R_.uniqLength(["hello", "world", "world"]); // 2
uniqMap List
(a → a) → [a] → [a]
mapping function
Returns unique values previously returned by mapping.
R_.uniqMap(R_.equalsLength(5))(["hello", "hello", "world"]); // ["hello", "world"]
uniqPrepend List
a → [a] → [a]
Returns a new list containing the unique contents of the given list, starting by the given element.
R_.uniqPrepend("b", ["a", "b"]); // ["b", "a"]
R_.uniqPrepend("d", ["a", "b"]); // ["d","a", "b"]
uniqTake List
Number → [a] → [a]
- n
Returns the first n of unique elements of the given list, or transducer/transformer (or object with a take method).
R_.uniqTake(2, ["foo", "foo", "baz"]); //=> ['foo']
R_.uniqTake(3, ["foo", "foo", "baz"]); //=> ['foo', 'baz']
uniqTakeLast List
Number → [a] → [a]
- n
Returns the last n of unique elements of the given list, or transducer/transformer (or object with a take method).
R_.uniqTakeLast(2, ["foo", "bar", "bar"]); //=> ['bar']
uniqTakeLastWhile List
(a → Boolean) → [a] → [a]
The function called per iteration.
The collection to iterate over.
Returns a new list containing the unique last n elements of a given list, passing each value to the supplied predicate function, and terminating when the predicate function returns false. Excludes the element that caused the predicate function to fail. The predicate function is passed one argument: (value).
Acts as a transducer if a transformer is given in list position.
R_.uniqTakeLastWhile((x) => x !== 4, [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1]); // [3, 2, 1]
uniqTakeWhile List
(a → Boolean) → [a] → [a]
The function called per iteration.
The collection to iterate over.
Returns a new list containing the unique first n elements of a given list, passing each value to the supplied predicate function, and terminating when the predicate function returns false. Excludes the element that caused the predicate function to fail. The predicate function is passed one argument: (value).
Acts as a transducer if a transformer is given in list position.
R_uniqTakeWhile((x) => x !== 4, [1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]); // [1, 2, 3]
valueMirror Object
[String] → Object
List of values representing the keys and values of resulting object.
Creates object mirror from list of keys.
const actionTypes = R_.valueMirror([
const action = { type: actionTypes.ITEM_REQUEST };
action.type === actionTypes.ITEM_REQUEST; // true
viewEq Object
- lens
value to equal
- x
Returns true if the given lens equals to given value
R_.viewEq(R.lensIndex(0), "foo", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]); //=> true
viewWith Object
- lens
view function
- x
Applies custom view function on the given lens
R_.viewWith(R.lensIndex(0), R.pathEq(["foo"], "boo"), [{ foo: "boo" }]); //=> true
R_.viewWith(R.lensIndex(0), R.divide(R.__, 2), [4]); //=> 2
xPairs List
a → [b] → [[a, b]]
Creates pairs from value and list of values. Value is always prepended to the pair.
R_.xPairs(1, [2, 3]); // [[1, 2], [1, 3]]
xPairsRight List
a → [b] → [[b, a]]
Creates pairs from value and list of values. Value is always appended as the last item to the pair.
R_.xPairsRight(1, [2, 3]); // [[2, 1], [3, 1]]